
dorsal fin Learn more about dorsal fin

  • Wu Guo fish

    Wu Guo fish

    Also known as Nanyang crucian carp, African larvae, Fushou fish; (British) Tilapia. Tilapia contains a variety of fish, both purebred and hybrid, and their shapes are similar. The body is slightly lengthened and flattened on the side, showing an oval shape, with a bulge on the back of the head and a round abdomen. The lower jaw is slightly longer than the upper jaw, and the lips are thick and developed. The operculum has no spines. The dorsal fin is extended and the starting point of the anal fin is below the hard spine at the end of the dorsal fin. The shape of the anal fin is opposite to the shape of a soft strip of the dorsal fin; the rear fins are longer and extend to the caudal fin after being pressed. The caudal fin is flat and round to form a micro-concave shape.

  • The difference between bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna

    The difference between bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna

    There are three main differences between bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna: first, the color of dorsal fin is different, the first dorsal fin of the former is yellow or blue, while that of the latter is reddish brown; second, the value of the former is higher than that of the latter; third, the size of the former is different, the former can reach more than 700 males

    2020-11-11 Bluefin tuna and yellow fin difference bluefin
  • Ten common varieties of Pomfret and their latest prices

    Ten common varieties of Pomfret and their latest prices

    Pomfret is one of the fish often eaten in people's daily life. it is very rich in nutritional value, and it has the effects of tonifying qi and nourishing blood, tonifying stomach and essence, smoothing joints, softening muscles and bones, and is very effective in the treatment of indigestion, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, anemia, soreness of muscles and bones, etc.

    2020-11-27 Pomfret Top Ten Common varieties and latest Price introduction
  • Are green swordfish and saury the same? Can you tell the difference between them? Is there a big difference in price? Which one is better?

    Are green swordfish and saury the same? Can you tell the difference between them? Is there a big difference in price? Which one is better?

    On the question of whether green squid and saury are the same, more than one person has expressed doubts on the Internet, and many people even think that they are the same kind of fish. So, are the green fish and the saury the same after all? Can you tell the difference between them? Both

    2020-11-11 Green occupy fish and autumn swordfish is not the same you about
  • large yellow croaker

    large yellow croaker

    (1) Morphological characteristics: large yellow croaker body elongated, flat side, dorsal and ventral margin wide arc, slender tail stalk. The body length is 3.5 - 4.2 times the body height and 3.4 - 3.8 times the head length. The head length is 3.9 - 5.0 times the length of the snout and 3.5 - 5.7 times the eye diameter. The length of the tail stalk is 3.4 - 3.8 times the height of the tail stalk. The dorsal and upper sides are yellow-brown, the lower and ventral sides are golden yellow, the dorsal and caudal fins are grayish yellow, the pectoral and ventral fins are yellow, and the lips are orange. The head side is flat, large and pointed obtuse, with developed mucus cavity. Mouth obtuse, larger than eye diameter. Kissing pleats intact, not

  • The difference between carp and crucian carp

    The difference between carp and crucian carp

    The difference between carp and crucian carp

  • Feeding requirements of tiger skin fish

    Feeding requirements of tiger skin fish

    Morphological characteristics of tiger skin fish, also known as four fish, taste fish, black fish, red fish, Cyprinidae, native to Malaysia in Southeast Asia, Sumatra and Kalimantan Island in Indonesia. Tiger skin fish is 4-6cm long, tall and oval in shape. Tiger skin fish body is light yellow, the back is golden yellow, dorsal fin, ventral fin, caudal fin and snout are all bright red. There are four black thick ribbon vertical stripes on the fish, the first through the eyes, the second between the cheek cover and the dorsal fin, and the third from the end of the dorsal fin to the starting point of the anal fin.

  • The difference between green fish and saury

    The difference between green fish and saury

    Green fish and saury are both fish that live in the sea. Many people think that they are the same. In fact, there is a difference between them. So, what are the differences between green squid and saury? The first difference is that the families and genera are different: the green fish are perciformes, mackerel families, and mackerel fishes.

    2020-11-11 Green occupied fish and autumn swordfish difference green
  • Bigeye tuna

    Bigeye tuna

    Big-eyed tuna (BigeyeTuna), also known as fat tuna and sub-tuna, is about 1.5m long, with a weight of more than 100kg, usually 16Mel and 35kg. The back is blue and blue, and the side and ventral face are silvery white. The meat is pink and slightly soft. The pectoral fin is long, its end is very protruding, reaching below the second dorsal fin, and the second dorsal fin is also narrow, which is similar to the height of the first dorsal fin. The fish has a gray body, fat, short tail and large head and eyes. Bigeye tuna lives in deep water.

  • The difference between Spanish mackerel and sardines

    The difference between Spanish mackerel and sardines

    The difference between Spanish mackerel and sardines

  • Baolian lantern fish

    Baolian lantern fish

    The country of origin is the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon. The fish is 4 cm ~ 5 cm long, spindle-shaped, flattened laterally. The body size is slightly wider than that of the traffic light fish. The dorsal ventral margin is a shallow arc, the head and tail stalk are relatively wide, and the snout end is round and obtuse. The mouth is slightly larger and the eyes are also large, located in the front and upper part of the head. The shape of the dorsal fin and pectoral fin is normal, and the distance between the starting point of the dorsal fin and the rostral end is slightly shorter than that between the caudal fin base. The anal fin is extended and the caudal fin is forked. The body color is very bright, and the back is yellowish green. The fish features on both sides, with a wide blue longitudinal band from the posterior edge of the eye to the tail stalk.

  • What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

  • Morphology and habits of Boleophthalmus punctatus

    Morphology and habits of Boleophthalmus punctatus

    Bouncy fish is the general name of the fish family, commonly known as jumping shark, bouncing fish, jumping fish and so on. Warm water and warm inshore small fish, widely distributed in the west coast of Africa, India, Pacific waters, New Hebrides tropical and subtropical coastal shallow waters (not produced in the United States), distributed along the coast of China. There are not many species of catfish, and there are mainly 3 genera and 6 species along the coast of China. There are 3 genera and 4 species along the coast of Zhejiang, which are Boleophthalmus, Ctenopharyngodon idellus and Ctenopharyngodon idellus respectively. Striped fish is a small edible fish with delicious meat and short food chain.

  • The difference between Spanish mackerel and saury

    The difference between Spanish mackerel and saury

    The difference between Spanish mackerel and saury

  • American sailfish

    American sailfish

    American sailfish Jordanella floridae also known as sailfish, star fish. Origin: Florida, USA. Appearance: 6 cm in length, body shape similar to the moon fish, but back abdomen wide, tail handle is also wide. The nose is rounded. The outer edge of the tail fin is straight. The dorsal fin is larger than the anal fin, the dorsal and anal fin edges are curved, the body color is changeable, there are red, yellow, blue, purple and other colors, there are deep and light, there are blue or red, there are more than 10 vertical star stripes all over the body, the dorsal fin is covered with dark star spots, its star stripes are very similar to the American flag star stripe pattern named. Xi

  • How big can a manta grow?

    How big can a manta grow?

    Manowana can grow 10-15 cm long. The main types of arowana are blue arowana and yellow arowana. Blue man dragon fish body was elliptical, ventral fin chest position, has degenerated into silk tail, play the role of tactile organs. The dorsal fin of the yellow arowana is short and tall, slightly yellow, and spread out.

    2020-11-11 man arowana length how big 10 -15 cm
  • The Marine Elf Nemo Family-- A complete Collection of the Culture of "Clownfish"

    The Marine Elf Nemo Family-- A complete Collection of the Culture of

    Clown fish is a common name for the fishes of the subfamily Sparidae, which is a kind of tropical saltwater fish. It is known that there are 28 species, one of which is from Premnas.

  • Identification of Easily Mixed Species of Famous Fish

    Identification of Easily Mixed Species of Famous Fish

    With the development of socialist market economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the development of fishery production has taken off, especially in recent years, the development of famous fish is extremely rapid, but because some famous fish are very similar in appearance, it is difficult to identify them, which causes certain difficulties for farmers and consumers to purchase and identify them. 1. The pectoral fins of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Pelteobagrus longatus, Pelteobagrus vachelii, Pelteobagrus lustre and Pelteobagrus lustre are hard.

  • What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

    What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

    What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

  • How much is the Pomfret per jin? What kinds do you have?

    How much is the Pomfret per jin? What kinds do you have?

    Pomfret, also known as flat fish, is a tropical and subtropical food and ornamental large fish, because of its less spines, tender meat and high nutritional value, so how much is Pomfret per jin? What kinds do you have? How much is the Pomfret per jin

    2020-11-11 Pomfret more less money one jin yes which species again